Demo Using Font Awesome 5's SVG Framework

Font Awesome 5 Solid 617 icons

Font Awesome 5 Regular 617 icons

Font Awesome 5 Light 617 icons

Font Awesome 5 Brands & Logos 300 icons

Support Styling Examples

Here are examples of styling support you get out-of-the-box with Font Awesome 5's SVG Framework

Example: Icons Adjust with Text Size


Example: Icons Match Color of Parent

Icon Size Scale

Fixed Width Icons

List Icons

  • List icons
  • can be used
  • as bullets
  • in lists

Bordered and Pulled Icons

Animated Icons

Rotated and Flipped Icons



We've given you some easy ways to transform your icons at a basic level. Scaling and rotating should be super easy now. You can pass any value from 0 to 360 when rotating and continously step up and down the scale-scale (pun semi-intended).

Examples: Growing and Shrinking

Examples: Rotating


We've added some easy ways to nudge and move icons relative to their surroundings. You can move icons left, right, up, and down by individual steps. We find this helps when we want that extra control over how Font Awesome icons work with your layouts.

Examples: Basic Positioning


Compositions allow you to combine two icons into one shape. The background behind the icon will show through. This is perfect for placing icons on basic shapes.

Example: Basic composition


Layers are the new way to place icons visually on top of each other. Its meant to replace our classic stacked support styling. With this new approach you can use more than 2 icons. Yuss!

Example: Basic Stacking

Example: Multiple Layers

Text Overlays

Using positioning, transforms, and layers, you can overlay text information on top of icons. We find this pretty handy for particular symbols in our UI like calendars and file types. But don't stop there!

Example: Simple Text Overlay


Example: Simple Text Overlay


Example: Abbreviations


Example: Cheeky

Be mine

Counter Badge Overlays

We've also added some simple utilities for count-based badges as special overlays for Font Awesome icons.

Example: Simple Counter Badge


Example: No Content Counter Badge

Example: Double-digit, Bottom Left Content Counter Badge


Example: Large number, Top Right Content Counter Badge


Example: Crazy large number, Top Left Content Counter Badge



There are also some extra advanced options you have available with our SVG Framework.

Show you missing icons

Re-usable Symbols

Auto Accessibility: Add Aria-Hidden

Auto Accessibility: Add Title


Render Icons with Ligatures, Unicode, or Unicode + HTML encoding
